ÖH benefits: Studieren Probieren

Studieren Probieren starts again on 15.11.!

Info for participants: With Studieren Probieren you have the opportunity to participate in a trial course in your desired study program! Either in a classroom session directly at the university or in a MS-Team conference. You will be accompanied by a student in the selected course and will have the opportunity to ask questions about the course.

Info for supervisors: Supervisors are needed for the courses. These supervisors take the interested students to the course and can answer questions about the study program at first hand. For this activity the supervisor receives EUR 34,- per course (submission to the Bundes-ÖH – we are happy to help)!

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to support@oeh.imc-krems.eu or visit the website!


Your ÖH IMC Krems – Students’ Union


image source: istockphoto.com