ÖH IMC Shared Bookshelf

From now on, all students have the opportunity to participate in a book exchange with their “old” books. We are looking for books of any kind in any language, from bestsellers to cookbooks!

The “open bookcase” at Campus West in front of the Students’ Relations Office offers the unique opportunity to take books with you, but also to share books you have read out with others.

It’s as simple as this:

1. first choose the right book,
2. read it in the comfort of your own home or on campus
3. and finally decide whether you want to keep it or return it.
4. feel free to consider whether you have a suitable book for the “Shared Bookshelf” at home and simply take it with you the next time you visit Campus West, put it in the bookcase and make it a joy for new readers!

Please make sure that the books are in perfect condition and complete. The ÖH IMC Krems wishes you a lot of reading fun!

Image source: private