Wissenschaft Zukunft Preis 2024

The Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung Niederösterreich m.b.H. annually awards the Wissenschaft Zukunft Preis (WZP), which honors high-quality scientific theses with relevance to Lower Austria. This award supports academics at the beginning of their scientific career. The funding is open to all topics and there is no age limit. Only theses graded “very good” can be submitted until April 10, 2024 at the latest. The call opens on February 26, 2024, the prize money is up to € 3,000!

Prizes will be awarded for master’s theses, PHD theses, and dissertations.

More about the Science Future Award 2024 here.

Your ÖH IMC Krems – Students’ Union


image source: www.gff-noe.at/preise/#wzp-2024